Monday, May 2, 2011

What would I do without you?

My dearest mom. Sunday was my mother's 53rd Birthday! I wish I could give this woman everything in the world but we all know I don't know any magic so instead my sister & I took here to get her hair cut which she LOVED.

We ate at Corner Bakery then had yummy cupcakes over at Susiecakes which were so delicious I went into another coma... a cupcake coma.

My uncle also had a a lil treat for her

& I continued to be goofy once again

My mothers kind heart also gave me this (yea- she's that sweet she gives gifts on her own birthday)- "Healing Thoughts for Troubled Hearts"

Damn, don't you freak out when your mothers always know when something's wrong?! 
Dear Readers, 
If you didn't know I was in a long relationship that ended rather sudden. I haven't seen him in a year but sometimes (recently a lot) the wound hurts pretty gnarly. When I get brave enough I will post my story to get it out but till then...

Happy Birthday my dearest, sweet mother. Loving you for 22 years & counting. XOXOXOXOXOX
Love, Colleen


  1. awe. Happy birthday to your mom! It is neat that your mom can sense when something is wrong. My mom isn't that way with me, but my Grandma is and so is my dad. They are pretty in tune with me. It helps me a lot.

  2. You have such gorgeous hair. I envy curls so badly. xo.

  3. your mamma is the cutest thing since sliced pie! and guess what?? your mama and baby maria (my mom) have the same birthday!! i think that makes us sisters :) <3

  4. this is sooo sweet! i love that post, i really have to do a mothers post as well! miss my mom, but will see her in 2 weeks! : D lol

  5. wow! so cool! Say HAppy B to her!! :D I'm following!

    Look my blog and if you like it, follow me!



  6. awww you and your mom are sooo cute!! xx

  7. Awww how lovely and her hair looks great xxx

  8. @amyschmamey: I think we are both lucky to have those family members that would love nothing but to lend us that shoulder :)

    @kate: Thank You! So glad the curls look hot in the pic cuz in real life.. dead end city! hahahah :)))

    @jen: OMG MARIA! I love her, send her a belated bday for me <3

    @internodiciotto: Thanks for your kind words! It's time to represent our mammas :) haha. I hope you do write one!

    @sick by trend: Thanks homie, I'll swing by & take a look :)

    @cowbiscuits & victoria: thank you ladies! So nice to hear the compliments :))))))))))))))
