Wednesday, March 30, 2011

push it push it

Happy Tues. everyone! Today... rewind... this month has been flying by & I have no idea where all my time has been going. My sister is due for her baby in a few days & I am so nervous/excited about the new addition. Soooo in the meantime I have been trying to get as much exercise as I possibly can since I may be away from the good ol' gym for just a lil. 

I know we are a little.... okay okay HELLA blurry but at least we got my brother in this mix

See these giant legs? Say BYE! haha

This is how I look everyday after the gym, sexy kinda? 

As a result of tonights workout, I have included A FEW songs that get me going, hopefully they can do the same for you! 

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Dear Blog, How nice would it be to not sweat? A girl can dream...
Love, Eliptical Bitch


  1. haha...So cute you are!
    Hello sexy legs!!

  2. haha! I wish they were sexy! I can dream... :)

  3. I have been so slack with the gym this week :-( Have to get back into it next week. So exciting that you will be an aunty.

  4. The only song I know off of your playlist is PDA by Interpol. Good song though!

  5. Thanks Megan! Geeze I know what you mean though its hard to start :(

    @amyschmamey- Interpol is great on all days <3
